Hello friends,
I love the fall. When I was younger I thought it was because my birthday falls right before autumn begins. But as I grow older I have a different understanding of my affection for this season.
If you've read my blog at all over the years, you know that I feel a deep connection with the natural world. My passion and purpose is to create artwork and experiences to inspire us to honor that connection. I am constantly looking for opportunities to deepen my connection to and understanding of the rhythms in nature. I want to feel and know my place in this amazing world and autumn is my prime time to do this.
You may have heard people say that the fall is when the "veil between worlds is thin". I believe this to be true on many levels. As the above ground world begins to die back, the plants send their energy to their roots. In this very tangible way, the living world transfers loads of energy to the underworld to trickle out through winter or save as sustenance for the spring. The trees drop an immense amount of biomass (leaves) that begin decomposition to feed the soil. We, like many other animals, focus on harvesting the fruits of the summer sun (firewood, garden produce, nuts, seeds, etc.) to store in underground spaces (burrows, root cellars) for the dormant season ahead.
In autumn, we have the ability to connect to a realm of reality that we normally can’t touch or experience.
In many spiritual traditions, it is believed that the fall is a time where the connection to afterlife or spirit world is the strongest - the veil thinning between the world of the living and dead. Throughout so much of the year we yearn to make these connections with the intangible magic of things. To hold a loved one’s hands who has passed or get clear indications of what the future may bring. While it is up to you just how far down this path you choose to go, I believe in autumn we are graced with moments of understanding on a journey that so often seems shrouded in mystery.
In autumn, true magic becomes possible. The magic of releasing long held burdens. The magic of finding brave new directions. The magic of making connections with your ancestors, the loved ones who have passed, and all the invisible currents of energy running through the earth. In autumn, everything you’ve been working on comes to full harvest and powerful transformations tend to take place as that first frost settles in. Autumn is a gift that completes a cycle so a whole new era can begin.
In my last post, I pondered the wisdom to be gleaned from where we stand in the world at the moment and suggested that we are being called upon to deal with our sh*t. I believe this starts within. And there is no time like autumn for this work of returning to our roots.
"Do your little bit of good where you are; it's those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world." - Desmond Tutu
Tomorrow is the new moon. This is a sacred time to go within. When the moon is dark, she invites us to also explore our inner quiet. This is a time for planting seeds, for putting new things in motion, and to set intentions for the month ahead. Each new moon allows us to rest, to re-gather our energy, and to open our eyes for new ways of doing things. If that's not the stars aligning for change, I don't know what is.
Each of us is a pebble dropped into the pond or life - our actions and energy ripple outward to family, friends, community and the world.
What ripples emanate from the pebble that is you?
If the energy isn't as grounded as you'd like it to be, now is the time to root down and connect with your intuitive core. One properly placed shift, no matter how small, creates concentric circles of effect, each amplifying change. I find this shift and connection through time spent in the forest among all those wise elders, and creating with my hands.
Whether through engaging with my artwork, or participating in a class, I am focusing my energy on empowering you to connect with your highest wisdom - your intuition - and then act from that place. To that end, here are some of the offerings that I'm sharing at this time:
2021 Wall Calendar - inspirational images around nature and connection for the whole year!
Sometimes it takes some guidance to connect creatively. So I am offering *virtual* classes for people of all ages.
Kids Virtual Art and Nature Play Date for 5-12 year olds - Wednesdays from 3:30-5:00pm PST
3-Part Series: Kusama Dot Pumpkins for 7-12 year olds - Mondays starting Oct. 12 from 3:30-4:30pm PST
*Virtual* October Art Night - for adults - Fri. Oct. 16, 4-7pm PST
3-Part Series: Indian Corn Pen and Watercolor Illustrations for 7-12 year olds - Mondays starting Nov. 2nd, 3:30-4:30pm PST
*Virtual* November Art Night - for adults - Fri. Nov. 13, 4-7pm PST
I would love it if one of these offerings (or several) speaks to you and helps you connect to your inner truth. My deepest joy is to nourish your creative soul and inspire you to take action in your own life.
With love and gratitude.