Off to Bootcamp!
Hi friends! As I've eluded to in many of my recent posts, 2014 is the year I am committing to officially taking the LEAP, walking my talk and saying a big fat YES! to my art business dreams. It's really scary and really exciting - which is how I know for sure that it is the path I am meant to be traveling.
I'm not going it alone though. I've learned that I need to recruit support - my "dream team" if you will. This group includes local helpers and friends that I can call on for their skills, wisdom, experience and advice - those that I can meet with in person; and many many virtual helpers who can guide and lift me up virtually. One such tribe that I have employed for this journey is the amazing folks at Do What You Love and Lilla Rogers Studio. I'm not only enrolled in the Make Art That Sells Part B (took part A back in October last year), but I've just signed up for and started Make Art That Sells Assignment Bootcamp.
After taking MATS part A, I knew the amazing support and inspiration from the classmates, Lilla Rogers (our Fairy Artmother) and Beth Kempton are top-notch. And in making my plan for 2014, one of the biggest steps I need to take to make this art business dream a reality is make lots and lots of art and get it out in the world. About the time I am coming to this conclusion and scratching my head about how to do that, an announcement about this class shows up. Here's what's involved: get an assignment each month form Lilla Rogers, get inspiration and support from classmates while working on the assignment and upload it to a gallery that she will be promoting to folks looking for art. Um... yes please.

So bootcamp started this week with a "mini" focused on cuckoo clocks. I'm having a blast sketching lots of wacky little birdhouses and enjoying the tribe that the fellow classmates provide. Here's one of my initial sketches:
(I keep hearing little 'cuckoos" in my head while sketching - is that a problem?) Keep checking back or follow me on Instagram for regular updates on my progress. I'd be honored to have you join me. Thanks for checking in!