New Art and Inspiration
Hello friend,
Although we are not there yet, I am feeling the spring energy already. I have been deep in the creative and generative forces lately - making loads of NEW ART! It always feels sort of like a birthing process to me. The seeds of an idea are planted. Then I start fleshing out the ideas – growing and building, making and creating. I stay in that phase for quite a while. And then towards the end, I feel full and ready to be done with the pieces as I put on the finishing touches. Then there is formatting, printing, preparing, and posting. Now finally, I am ready to share these new babies with the world!
The first collection was inspired by my latest hobby – beekeeping! Honeybees are fascinating creatures with a complex social structure from which we can learn a lot. I sure have been soaking in their wisdom over the past year. To this day, it still feels like I’m entering a church when I open up my hive.
There is something so ancient and sacred about the experience. The smells, sounds, feels, sights, and of course tastes of beekeeping are unmatched. This collection of collages honors our deep connection to these wild women who have let me into their wonderful world and wisdom.
The second collection is my response to watching people of the world behave as if they were separate from the natural world. The collages in this collection are meant to inspire a recognition of ourselves in the natural world. So often we visit nature when it is convenient for us and then go back to living as if we are separate from it. As an ecologist, I know we are nature. It is us. There is no separation. What we do to the natural world we do to ourselves. And what holds true for the natural world, holds true for us as well.
To help us see this truth I played with perspective and size. Instead of towering over (and dominating) mushrooms, birds, fish, ants, and plants, I shifted our size - making us more equals in our relationships. I hope this playful approach resonates with you and reminds us of our true nature.
Finally, I created two bonus collages honoring this place I call home – the Columbia River Gorge. One of the pieces depicts a mountain biker overlooking a vista of the Columbia River. And the other piece depicts a tent camping at the base of Mt. Adams. Both scenes remind me of summer and the recreation that helps me connect to the natural world.
I encourage you to check out the full collection over in my gallery or on my Etsy site! Come back and let me know what you think in the comments below. Thank you for your continued support!
With love and gratitude!