My Latest Project and Product!!!
Hello friends!
Yes, it's been a long time between posts again. I have been giving myself permission to spend my free moments creating rather than keeping up with blog posts and social media updates. As I explained over here, I've been given the gift of perspective this year and it's helped me get focused on what's most important in my life. Making time to create is way up there on my list. So... that's exactly what I've been doing. And I'm super excited to give you a sneak peak at my latest project and product!
2016 Wall Calendars!

I've been dreaming of making a calendar for many years, but the new year always seems to creep up on me faster than I can pull it together. This year, I decided to go for it. And it's happening! They are being printed this next week and should be available for purchase by early November! I'm so excited!!!
Here's a sneak peak of what's inside...

The focal images in the calendar are mainly done in straight paper collage. Most of the backgrounds were watercolor washes. I assembled the compositions and layered some other details digitally. Each image incorporates subtle "hidden" messages designed to remind us of our connection to each other and the natural world. The image above is called "Rainbow Rain" and it's for March. It came together super quickly an is one of my favorites...

As you will probably guess, many of the images in this calendar were inspired by scenes from my own life. I tried to capture little moments that many of us have had ourselves - either as a child or an adult - that tie us to the seasons, a chapter on our lives, or a cycle in nature. It's these little moments that matter most, but we don't always slow down enough to honor their importance in our lives. This one is called "Sowing Seeds" for the month of May.

Each image has some element of mystery or untold story... I wanted to let you add your own connection to the scene. This is the image for December... "Magic!" I love the idea of the birds being a part of the magic.
I've been working on this for months and I really couldn't wait another minute to share this with you guys. ;-) But that's all I'm sharing for now. I don't want to give the whole thing away! I'm doing a limited run of these calendars, so if you'd like to have me hold one for you, drop me a line to be the first to know when they are available for purchase. I'll let you know just as soon as they come in!