Must be Spring
At our house it's all about baby chicks, garden sprouts and big ideas. There's no doubt about it. We're fully into the depths of spring and cusp of summer.
After nine years with the same flock of hens, we lost the last of our old girls this spring. Hubby spent loads of time remodeling our dilapidated coop and now we've got a new little flock of baby chicks peeping away in a brooder. While being "mama hen" to another 6 little mouths has added some busyness to life, it's been so fun to see our little man interacting with these tiny little newcomers. I think he really has a sense of how fragile they are and the need to be gentle. He peeks over the top of the brooder in at them and really there's not much that's cuter than my baby and baby chicks. Just look at these little faces...
And then there's the garden. Our beds are fuzzy with a fresh, lime green glow. We're caring for these new little spouts with roots to feed and water and fragile little leaves to protect from frost (Yeah, frost. What can I say? We're in the mountains).
It's busy around here, but I have to say, I love it. I really get bitten by the possibility bug right about now every year. And this year is no exception. I look at that whole summer calendar and start dreaming about harvesting our veggies, when our hens might lay their first eggs, camping trips, and BBQ dinners with friends. This really gets my creative juices flowing too and I've been making loads of art lately.
This year, I find my creative inspiration being poured into BIG dreams for Found & Rewound. Funny as it seems, I've had a hard time owning the fact that I am an artist. I'm finally *almost* comfortable saying those words, but not to everyone. But this year I am working hard to learn everything I can about how to make these dreams a reality, dive into making tons of art and then put myself out there. That's the scariest part right now - owning my dreams and proclaiming them to the world. It's an excited scary feeling - so I know I'm on the right track. More on these dreams soon. (I gotta psych myself up a bit more ;-))