Mama, where are you?
We went to the beach a couple weekends ago. It was a beautiful stretch of lazy, late summer days. Our little man has recently started saying, "Uh-ma! er-ARRR-you-uh-ma?!" Translation - "Mama! Where are you, Mama?" He says this when I'm out of the room or when he wakes up in the morning. But lately, (and especially this weekend) he also started saying it when I look away from him, or shift my attention to something else, or when he's walking with his Appa (Papa in Korean) and I let go of his hand. It's his toddler way of asking me to pay attention to him. Any of you who are parents of toddlers know how demanding and constant it can be. That said, I'm actually kind of loving this new little phrase of his.
I've been trying to be a lot more present in my life. When life gets busy, I have a tendency to get caught up in all the brain chatter and lose sight of the everyday beautiful, {extra}ordinary moments happening all around me. To reconnect to this and to live and parent more consciously, it always seems to come back to being present as a first step. You have to be aware and in the moment to make a change for the better or to be grateful for all the richness that is already staring you in the face.
New artwork! Available here.
So our little man's "Er-ARRR-you-uh-ma?!" is the perfect reminder to come back. He sees me drifting away onto the next task on my endless mental to-do list. And he always brings me right back. I'm trying to think of it as the little bell they ring at the end of a meditation or yoga class - but in a much cuter package than you typically get in that situation. ;-)
Isn't it amazing how the universe provides exactly what you need when you need it most? I'm honestly humbled each and every time I realize that I've been given a gift like that. And just think of all the gifts I haven't noticed or acknowledged... wow. We're part of a breathtaking world, my friends.