Make Art That Sells - Blog Tour!

Hello all! So excited to be participating in a fun little blog hop with my fellow classmates from Lilla Rogers Make Art That Sells class! If you've been following my blog through this course, you know that it was an amazing experience for me. I'm not a "professional" artist (though I have been selling my art for over 10 years now!). I have a day job and have always done my art on the side. I am not a designer and have no experience with licensing art, so this class was a big stretch for me on so many levels. And having gone through it, all I can say is WOW! It was worth every penny, every late night work session and every stressful moment right before I hit "submit" for my weekly assignment. This class was packed FULL of juicy tidbits, interviews with professionals, tips, tricks and more. And that's not to mention my classmates - Can you say inspiring?! Holy moly, friends. This is one talented bunch. And they have all been so supportive and grounded - especially with novices like myself. So I guess it goes without saying, but I'm gonna say it anyway - If you are even slightly considering licensing your art or just want to take your art to the next level with some challenges and inspiration, I would highly recommend this course. MakeArtThatSellsLogoSo... what are the next steps for me? Well, right now I'm in the midst of holiday hubbub (like I would guess that many of you are too!) But in the next month or so, I plan to add about 5-10 more pieces to the portfolio that I started through this class. And then...gulp.... I'm going to send some work out to potential clients. I think my strategy will be to send something out to at least 2 folks a month and see what kind of response I get. I figure I have to start somewhere and after taking this class, I have enough confidence to at least try to take those first steps. So grateful for that!! What a gift! So stay tuned for updates on those baby steps. In the meantime, feel free to swing on my the gallery before you leave and check out my latest work. Then, I encourage you to hop on over to the next stops on our blog tour: Rachael Schafer - Sarah Ehlinger- Thanks for stopping by!
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