It's time to CELEBRATE!

It's time to CELEBRATE!

Hello friends! I have a bad habit of endlessly achieving without pausing to celebrate or at least acknowledge what I've accomplished. Anyone else do this? ? Well, I'd like to take this moment to pause and celebrate with you!

"The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate." - Oprah Winfrey

What are we celebrating? Well - there are two big things in my world I want to raise a glass to:

1. I have been working as a full-time artist for one year now!


2. I am turning 40 years old!

Both of those events feel like a big deal.

I have to say that my 40th year has been one of THE BEST years of my life. Why? Because I have been living a life that is more aligned with my authentic self than ever before. And it feels So. Damn. Good.

Don't get me wrong, I found meaning and purpose in the work I did as a natural resource manager. I was proud of my contributions as part of an amazing community striving to conserve water, protect native fish and wildlife, and preserve our native plants and natural habitats. And I was also doing my art, building my business. But to do all that and be a mother, wife, friend, manager, and more was too much. It was not sustainable, because the person I was invariably leaving out of the equation was myself.

"True self care is not salt baths and chocolate cake. It is making the choice to build a life you don't regularly need to escape from." - Brianna Wiest

Now, I'm not advocating that everyone go out and quit their day jobs. But for me, finally listening to the nudges from the universe (that had actually turned more into slaps upside the head) to pursue my business full time was one of the best choices I've ever made. It's not easy. In fact it's pretty damn hard, and stressful at times. But the difference is that I am living a life and pursuing one career that encompasses all of me. And that makes me feel whole and more grounded. It has also given me flexibility, inspiration, and renewed vigor for self care. And that, my friends, is cause to celebrate.

So to celebrate, I'm getting lost in the woods for a weekend with some of my best girlfriends! And I'm offering YOU 40% OFF EVERYTHING IN MY SHOP on my 40th birthday (September 17th) through Sunday, September 22nd!

So please join in me in celebrating! And thank you from the bottom of my heart for supporting this artful journey of mine!

In honor of my 40th birthday and one year anniversary of being a full-time artist, I am giving you 40% off EVERYTHING in my shop! (Hurry! Offer only good September 17 - September 22, 2019.)

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