Hello friends...
Do you ever feel like inspiration sometimes comes in big batches all at once and then you go through a period where you have to almost search for it? I think this is pretty common for creatives, but maybe it's just me. Anyway, I'm in an inspiration gluttony period at the moment, so I thought I would share the wealth. Consider yourself warned - the inspiration you're about to see is all over the place, but all things that are striking my fancy right now. Get ready for a little tour de "WOW!" for your spirit (and a glimpse into my psyche).
First, gotta announce that the first Bootcamp Gallery is LIVE featuring the amazing artwork of over 400 artists who are participating in this class. Talk about inspiration! Holy moly. So proud and grateful to have the opportunity to participate. (You can find my little cuckoo on page 5 about half way down the page).
Feeling inspired by our recent cuckoo clock study through Bootcamp I created this little nesting cuckoo:
I'm feeling especially intrigued by little nests lately. I've been doing boat-loads of nest doodles lately. I think there may be a new collection brewing...
The Sacred Scared series on Momastery. If you want to feel inspired, connected and lifted up by some extraordinary ordinary people, check out these stories.
Just re-read "Daring Greatly" by Brené Brown. Ahhh.... I just love that woman! If you haven't read her books or seen her work, stop reading this blog and go check out her TED talk right now. When I read this book, specially the chapter on parenting I just wanted to shout, "Hell yeah!" about every two pages. This has got to be one of my favorite Brené quotes at the moment, "Unused creativity is not benign. It metastasizes. It turns into grief, rage, judgement, sorrow, shame." Amen. That's all I gotta say about that.
I'm a big fan of the work of Beth Kempton and the Do What You Love crew. And now as a new mama, she's working hard to figure it all out. I loved, appreciated and totally related to her recent blog post "Love Letter to All Parents".
Liz Song. This woman walks her talk. She lives wholeheartedly and is an amazing photographer. Always feel inspired after a stop by her blog...
This video totally makes me wanna get up and dance around, plus it just makes me smile to see Jimmy Fallon and The Roots playing all the toy instruments. Seriously, I've had this song stuck in my head for about three days.
Told you it was a random list! I'd love to hear what's inspiring you lately. Do tell! Leave a comment below. Thanks for stopping by!