Holiday Wishes for Peace
Today is the eve of the winter solstice. I'm sitting here on a dark, rainy night enjoying the silence in our house that has been brimming with family holiday noises. Just hours ago these walls were filled with laughter, two-year-old squeals and chatter, utensils dinging on plates as we gathered for meal after meal, and the beep of the oven announcing another batch of cookies was ready to eat. While I enjoy all of these holiday happenings, I find myself craving stillness this time of year. And something about the longest, darkest night of the winter solstice reassures me that quiet peacefulness is surrounding me - totally accessible and always present. Despite the craziness that may be erupting from our home, all I need to do is take a step outside to be refueled with that stillness that envelopes the natural world during these dark days.
To remind myself that I can always find the peace (and you too - if you find it helpful!), I've been doing a collage of a peaceful scene or image every Tuesday this month. I'm calling them #peacepics and you can follow along (or create your own along with me) over here on Instagram or here on Facebook. Here are the three I've done so far...
It has been a fun little exercise to get me "playing" a little more with my art again, as opposed to always creating for a purpose. Another way to interject a little peace and rejuvenation to my creative soul.
Finally, I wanted to let you know that this will be my last post of the year. I've decided to give myself a little break for the holidays and really sink into the little moments of peace where ever I can find them. So here's wishing you a wonderful, peaceful end to 2014, my friends.
As always, I am ever-so-grateful for your support. Lots of love!

PS: Reminder - Tomorrow is the last day to take advantage of this awesome opportunity to support art education while finishing up your holiday shopping.
So please hop on over to the shop and help support The Dreaming Zebra Foundation.