Filing a Copyright for Art -Update
Hello artsy friends! You may remember that I wrote a post a few months back on my adventures in copyrighting my artwork and the lessons I learned the hard way. Well that little post received so many fabulous comments and shares and feedback that I knew right away that I had stuck a chord with those of you who also have struggled with this same issue. Just last month, artist Tara Reed of Art Licensing Info, did a an interview with the very same guy who helped me through my copyrighting challenges!
His name is John Ashley and his is the Chief of the Visual Arts Division of the U.S. Copyright office.
An advertisement for copyright and patent preparation services from 1906. (Columbia Copyright Office – Obtained from the Library of Congress)
Given his title, you can imagine just how intimidated I was when I got my first email from him! However, it turns out that he is extremely approachable, friendly and helpful - not to mention insanely knowledgeable about the subject of copyrighting.
I often listen to Tara Reed's super-helpful interviews, but when I heard about this one, of course I was delighted to listen in. And I encourage those of you who were interested in the topic to go check out this very informative call. Sounds like this may be the first in a series of calls Tara will be doing with Mr. Ashley.
*Be forewarned - it's definitely on the heavy listening side. In other words, you'll want to be in a quiet place where you can focus (and maybe do some hand exercises in preparation for the furious note taking you'll be doing!)
Happy listening....