Days of Decoupage

We started by choosing a theme. Each class chose something different (depending on the materials I had available.) . Some of the themes were: ocean life, maps, flowers, space, cats, trains, wild animals, etc.. Then the students got to work gathering images for all the parts of the furniture (legs, arms, back, seat, table top, etc.). Then they got to work decoupaging! We used Mod Podge gloss medium (about 3 gallons worth when it was all said and done!).

You'll notice that there were many AMAZING parent volunteers that helped make this happen! (THANK YOU!!) The students were instructed to cover the whole surface - leaving none of the furniture showing through. This was a spacial puzzle for some in the sequencing needed to make their imagery show without needing to cover over it later to fill in the gaps around it. Students were also encouraged to find words that could be incorporated into the pieces.

The end results turned out fantastic! Yes, some parent volunteers and I helped finish covering all the little gaps, but really the students did the lion's share of the work. Check out the finished pieces:

I'm super proud of the kiddos and their hard work on this project. Thanks to the principal and teachers at Westside Elementary too for all the support of Arts in Education!