Celebrating a New Season
Hello friends! A new season is upon us. Kids are back at school, the yellow jackets are in a frenzy, we had our first drizzle this morning, and around here, pear harvest is kicking into full swing. As I mentioned in my last blog post, I'm transitioning into a new season of my life as well. Even though it's not technically fall yet, it sure feels like a new season is here. So that means, CHANGE. For many (myself included) that word is enough to send shivers of uncertainty down the spine and a wave of anxiety through the bloodstream. But guess what?
"We cannot become what we want by remaining what we are." ~Max Depree
A new season is upon us... Prints and cards available here!
Change is scary. And often it's not easy. Trust me, I know. I'm the one who plans for months or even years to make a change. I am super calculated, and organized, and easily thrown into fits of anxiety. Change has been really really hard for me. But the older I get, the more I realize by looking back on the big changes I've made (whether initiated by me or not), that all have resulted in something really really good:
Mixed media collage of a plant sprouting from a crack with the Rumi quote, “The wound is the place where the light enters you.” Available here!
As one of my sheros, Kelly Rae Roberts said in her blog post this week, every now and then we need to "make space for what feels essential for the next season. And sometimes - most of the time - that requires us to let go of really beautiful things so that we can create something even better, more nourishing, and more aligned with where we're going. This is true in life, on the canvas, and it's also true in business." Exactly. It's that idea of letting go of what's good to make room for what's amazing. A leap is involved. Some faith is needed. And a LOT of courage is required.
"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination." ~ Jimmy Dean
Mixed media collage of a sailboat in the ocean with the stamped quote, "Trust You're exactly where you're meant to be" Available here!
People often ask me where I get the ideas for the sentiments I incorporate into my artwork. And the answer is these words jump out at me when I am going through materials for a piece. I believe they are the words I most need to hear. I am so grateful that they resonate with so many of you too. It's one more reminder that we are sharing more of this experience than we often acknowledge. So if you too find yourself in the beginning of a new season, I wish you full sails and clear skies. Know that you are not alone and you are exactly where you are meant to be.
PS: Speaking of seasons, if you are getting a jump start on the holiday season my 2019 calendars are available now! And I've got loads of great holiday cards ready for the season too! Shop here!