Big Changes - I'm on the Move!
Hello friend,
Well, I eluded to it last month and the time has come to let you know - I'm moving! We're still staying in our beautiful area near the base of Mt. Hood, but we are moving to a new home and my studio is moving with us! What will this move mean for Found & Rewound? Well, you've likely noticed that things have been pretty quiet around here the last couple months because I've had to put my energy and focus on the move. So I expect you'll notice much more activity around these parts once we get settled into our new digs!
I've yet to figure out exactly what the new arrangement will look like, but here's what my studio looked like before:
And here's what it looks like right now:
Here's the studio (and house) all boxed up:
It's bittersweet for sure. We have love this home and all that it provided for us - a jumping off point as newlyweds, a rock around which we built the community of friends and family that support us, and the place where we became parents and brought home our sweet little man. As I said we're not going far, so that community still supports us and we see this move as the next step to thriving as a family. We're excited for the adventures that await us.
So I would be remiss not to share this moment with this community - all of you who follow along on my creative journey and have supported me along the way. I am ever so grateful for your continued support through this transition. Expect new artistic creations in the months ahead!
Stay tuned!