Jordan Kim river rocks mixed media paper collage in progress

A Peak in My Studio This Week...

Hello! This week I have been flowing along... developing a new collection on water. While other parts of the country has been overwhelmed by moisture this winter, here in the Pacific Northwest, we're facing equally alarming dryness. Getting rain (or in our case, snow) is rarely an issue in this part of the country, but as I write this post, our winter snow pack is at about 9% of normal. While we have enjoyed the sun and warmth, we all know it is not good. Our little agricultural (and recreational) community is seriously distressed. So we've all had water on our minds lately.... praying for snow now so that we'll have water in our rivers this summer. In tribute, I've been creating water-inspired art this week and I thought I would share a sneak peak into my studio.Jordan Kim river rocks mixed media paper collage in progress Jordan Kim river eddy art mixed media paper collage in progress Jordan Kim river salmon mixed media paper collage in progress Jordan Kim river beach mixed media paper collage in progress Jordan Kim river paper cuts studio table  mixed media paper collage in progress

(And a authentic studio tour wouldn't be complete without at least a small photo of the paper cutting aftermath! :-))

So here's to honoring the power of Mother Nature and all she can teach us about our connection to each other and our planet.

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