A glimpse at my gratitudes

A glimpse at my gratitudes

Hello there, So you may have noticed that I was M.I.A last week. We were off on a little adventure to Idaho last week for a friend's wedding. Had a lovely time immersing ourselves in friends celebrating friends. We came home to a bustling garden that exploded in fresh goodness after a mix of late spring rains and solstice sunshine. And to add to the early summer fun, our baby chicks (now more like awkward teenagers) graduated from their brooder into the newly remodeled coop! Here are a few shots of my gratitudes around here lately...
sunset in the Sawtooth Mountains Sunset in the Sawtooth Mountains
baby chick exploring her new digs Baby chick exploring her new digs
ripe raspberry The very first ripe raspberry!
Honesuckle blossoms Honeysuckle blossoms - wish you could smell these with me!
Uhma reading a story Uhma reading a story from a new book
Sugar snap peas flowering Sugar snap peas flowering
I just love this time of year. So grateful for the beauty and abundance around us...
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