2021 - Open to Receive
Happy New Year!
If you're anything like me you are going into 2021 with some cautious optimism and more than a little trepidation. 2020 was a year unlike any that I have ever lived through, and 2021 is not likely to change overnight. At the beginning of last year, I wrote, "This feels like a year that is deserving of some reverence and respect." If I'd only known how true that statement would be!
As you may know, I have a tradition of choosing a word every January to clarify my intentions for the year ahead. I have been doing this for many years now (“Trust” for 2012, “Alive” for 2013, “Fly” for 2014, “Space” for 2015, “Thrive” in 2016, “Awakening” for 2017, "Devoted to Intuition" for 2018, "SOAR" for 2019, and "Quality" for 2020). Last year I wanted to focus my attention on my intention - getting clear on my priorities and pouring my love, energy and attention into those areas of my life. Holy moly was I given the opportunity to do just that. Over and over and over again I was given experience after experience asking me to get clear on my values, walk my talk, and choose quality over quantity.
I am writing this on the eve of Martin Luther King Jr. day in a time when my eyes have been opened to the racial injustice that is rampant in our country. The fact that my eyes were less open before this year is due to my privilege, culture, and denial. It has been one of the many hard lessons gleaned through the experience of the past year. We've all been forced to take a good hard look at ourselves and that's not always easy work. It takes lots of conscious hard work to shine light into all those dark places. But it can be powerful, healing, and life changing if you are willing to sit with what you find.
"There is nothing quite so dangerous as sincere and conscientious stupidity.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
I believe the world (and particularly America), desperately needs some healing in 2021, and I want to be a part of it.
The thing about doing this work is that it is cyclical in nature. You don't just process your broken places once and move on. You circle back again and again to heal, accept, and forgive. It takes time to change deeply engrained beliefs and values. It takes tenacity to stay open to receive the gifts of healing - lessons, omens, wisdom, and feedback. This is especially true when it is uncomfortable.
"Denial is the heartbeat of racism." - Ibram X. Kendi
During 2020, I spent a lot more time looking to the natural world for its teachings, medicine, wisdom and insights. And I learned time and time again, that slowing down, unplugging, and connecting with nature is the quickest way to find your truth. I believe staying true to your heart while open and receptive to guidance and wisdom in your life is one way to support the healing of our world. In other words, I believe this will be a "forward facing" healing.
And that is what speaks to me most about the year ahead. I want to stay open and receptive - to all of it. I want to be more "real." I don't want to numb myself or deny the darkness out of fear of discomfort. I want to receive the lessons as life lives me. To be clear, I am not seeking out more discomfort or extra challenges. I am seeking more ease by moving forward with eyes and arms wide open. Rather than shutting down out of fear or anxiety, I want to move into 2021 ready to receive its blessings, abundance, wisdom, lessons, and guidance. This is why I have chosen "Receive" as my word for 2021.
"Until we can receive with an open heart, we're never really giving with an open heart." - Brené Brown
So what does that look like for how I will serve you? To be completely honest, Im not sure what this year will hold. But in the spirit of staying open to receiving, I'd love to hear what you'd like to see more of in 2021. Feel free to email me your ideas for classes, artwork, or experiences that would support you or others.
Here are a few of the projects I am working on manifesting:
- More kids classes - virtual for now, and hopefully outdoors and in-person when it's warmer...
- More adult classes too! I'd love to support healing through creativity and connection to nature.
- New art -designed to support healing and connection (I'm working on some "pandemic life" collections to be released soon!)
- Selling originals in stores and doing some shows in local businesses for the first time in years!
- Scheming hard to make a children's book this year!!! (OOOH! This is such a big dream!)
- Expanding my reach through collaborations with like minded people and organizations.
- And of course, staying open and receptive to the opportunities that present themselves through connections with people like you!
Thank you so much for following along on my creative journey. I wish you a year full of healing, inspiration, and powerful restoration! If you hold any ceremony or tradition around the new year, please share in the comments below.