2020 - Quality Over Quantity
Happy New Year! Wow... 2020?!? How did that happen? It seems completely surreal that it is a new decade - and such an important year too. This feels like a year that is deserving of some reverence and respect. So I’ve taken some time to reflect on all that the last decade brought by doing a now annual tradition of taking a reflection retreat hosted by the amazing Melanie McCloskey. (Can't recommend her enough! She still has a few spaces left in upcoming retreats!) In honor of the new decade, we looked back at the last 10 years rather than just the past year. I'm not gonna lie - it was daunting and intense, but oh so worth it. And some surprising insights came from this year's retreat.
“You don't need to retreat to tap into your inner wisdom. It's with you wherever you are.” ~Maia Toll
The challenge is finding balance: walking a spiritual path while still being deeply engaged with not only the world, but with the society— family, friends, work relations— around us. So I love this annual retreat. It really helps me find that balance again.
I also have a tradition of choosing a word of the year for many years now (“Trust” for 2012, “Alive” for 2013, “Fly” for 2014, “Space” for 2015, “Thrive” in 2016, “Awakening” for 2017, "Devoted to Intuition" for 2018, and "SOAR" for 2019). After reflecting on the past decade, I can see how these words of intention really manifested each year - many in surprising ways. The past ten years have been a journey of rebirth in so so many ways. I have grown into the most authentic version of myself to date through the birth of new life, the loss of many lives, and the saving of my own.
In other words, it has been a metamorphosis. I do feel like I am soaring after this past year. And have learned that as an "achiever" I need to be very conscientious about making sure I am climbing the right mountains. (I'm prone to taking on MANY tasks and activities that are good, but not my mountains to climb.) I've seen incredible growth in many areas of my life, but I've neglected others. So now I am feeling drawn deeper into the wisdom of the snail or the trees - who don't work at the pace of achievers like me.
"Choose quality over quantity. Seek wisdom over intelligence. Depth over distance." - Snail (and Tree)
And that is what speaks to me most about the year ahead. Finding balance. Looking to the natural world for its teachings, medicine, wisdom and insights. Consciously choosing to put my energy, love, and attention on that which stands to do the most good, serve the most beings, and align most closely with my values and strengths. Quality. Not perfection, but Quality. That will be my word for 2020.
"Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives." - William Foster
It's about refining my life, my business, my relationships - and most of all - my impact on this planet. Making the most of my time here in this one precious life.
So what does that look like for how I will serve you? Well, I'm mapping that all out as we speak. For starters... I know for sure there will be:
- All new adult classes to foster play, creativity, and connection,
- A new 2020 retreat to do a deep dive into nature's wisdom,
- More kids' classes too!
- LOADS of new art - like the 14 new images I've just uploaded into my Etsy shop!
- I will have some originals for sale for the first time in years,
- And I am doing some BIG dreaming about some collaborative projects that I can't wait to share!
And I'm just getting warmed up. I am so excited for the quality projects I have planned for the year ahead.
Thank you so much for following along on my creative journey. I wish you a year full of creativity, inspiration, and powerful manifestation! If you hold any ceremony or tradition around the new year, please share in the comments below.