My Hero
My hero left the physical world today. My grandma, Marty Vinograd, left peacefully in her sleep in the wee hours of the morning. After what had been a fairly long struggle with her heart, she is finally at peace. A big part of me feels totally at ease now, like I'm finally able to exhale after knowing that this day would come for a while now. And then there's the part of me that will so deeply miss the knowing that this beautiful woman is lighting up a room somewhere on this earth.
She is my hero for so many reasons but I think the bottom line is this: she lived fully, wholeheartedly and was unapologetic about being her true self. She was beautifully honest and true to herself through and through. She was who she was and gave everyone around her permission to do the same - simply by being herself. She was a soul that was so amazingly rich in experience and wisdom and JOY and creativity that you couldn't help but light up with her when in her presence. She was an artist in every sense of the word and embraced it fully. I love her with all my heart and am so incredibly grateful and blessed to call her my hero and my grandma. XOXOXOxoxoxoXOXOXO Grandma. I'll miss you.