Make Art That Sells - I'm going for it!
Well, I did it! I signed up for the Lilla Rogers Make Art That Sells!
I had many many weeks of internal back-and-forth "Should I?" or "Should I not?" action going on, but when I got really honest with myself I felt like it's the right time to take this leap. And I believe that if you feel a little scared about something but also a lot excited, then you're making a good choice that will move you forward and make you come alive. Both of which I am ready to do.
Why this class you ask? Well, there are a lot of reasons. I have finally come around to fully embrace the idea that my art and creative business doesn't have to be a "side gig" for the rest of my life. In fact, I would feel so much more fulfilled if I were doing some form of creative business as my main gig. I would like to find a way for my creative business to help other 'creatives' in their journeys as well because I've also come to realize that I get the most joy from being able to help others. As many of you know, I took Kelly Rae Robert's Flying Lessons e-course a couple years ago - which was amazing and so so so energizing/inspiring. I got lots of ideas that I had not even considered before for a creative business. It was a great stepping stone for me. And then I found out that I was pregnant with our sweet little boy. So I got side tracked into mama-mode for a couple years. Now I feel ready to take the next step. This class seems like a great way for me to get clearer on what the next steps are.
For years, a secret dream of mine has been to illustrate children's books. I've had this little vision in my head for a long long time (waaay before we even talked about starting a family) of being a mama, working in my studio doing layouts and sketches for different children's books while my kiddos drew pictures on the ground next to me. (Yes, now that I am a mom, I realize how different that image might look in reality - ha ha ha), but it's stayed on my mind for a long time. This e-course will focus on four markets and one is children's books. So I felt like that was the universe's little extra nudge to make me do it!
Finally, I have been putting a lot of thought into the fact that we raise our kids by example. I want our little man to live wholeheartedly - to know that anything is possible if you listen to your heart and trust yourself. I want to show him what it looks like to live doing what you love. So here's to a big step towards walking my talk. :-)